Rates may vary depending on location and time needed to find and evaluate potential horses for lease or purchase.
This is the perfect first step towards eventually becoming a horse owner !!
OUR RATE STARTS AT $1350.00 per month. Minimum commitment is of 6 consecutive months.
You get up to 4 lessons per week (16 per month) on the leased horse.
You also get trunk space, and space for saddle and tack in the boarder tack room. You will be required to acquire tack for the horse (including saddle, bridle, bit and girth)plus saddle pads, half pad, and horse boots if required, plus grooming supplies.
The monthly rates break down goes towards:
Half board payment , discounted lesson package, half of farrier’s monthly fee, and horse fee.
You will also be responsible for half the cost of horse clipping if required, half dentist (once a year), mane and tail trimming, basic grooming supplies and first aid supplies, half of medicines and supplements.
A full lease is essentially like owning the leased horse for the lease period. You will be responsible for the board and training package, normal veterinary costs, horse shoes, etc. PLUS the lease fee. You will have an account with Farrier and with Vet. Full leases are signed for a year minimum.
You will pay the monthly board and training package :
Plus the Horse monthly lease fee:. Horse monthly lease fee will vary depending on horse but will start at $500 per month.
**Additional Costs:
$130 every 4 weeks for farrier services
So, your full lease, board and training package OUR RATE starts at $2050.00 per month.
Please contact us for any special requests as we are committed to making your experience happy and hassle free